A few Salmon at the river mouth!

Today we saw 5 Grizzly Bears, spread out around the cove. . First we saw a Mom with cub-of-year rolling rocks at the water's edge. Then we noticed another female grizzly doing the same further down the beach. A pink salmon was jumping in the river mouth, and an American Bald eagle swooped down and grabbed it with its talons. While we were eating lunch we saw the twins at the river mouth. We had our mouths full of sandwiches when the twins starting chasing salmon in the low tide rapids. By the time we got there the twins had faded into the forest with their catch. 3 black tail deer came really close to the boat, perhaps using us as defense from the bears. Lenore munched away on the sedge grass, ignoring the fish and deer. A great day!


Mom with little cub black bear on the way up Knight Inlet. Derek's boat saw a wolf at Cracroft Point, staring out of the forest.

numerous bald eagles, one swooped down the catch a pink salmon.
rhinoceros auklets
marbled murrelets
Caspian terns
Bonepart gulls

harbour seals
harbour porpoise
Grizzly bear viewing report from Tide Rip Grizzly Tours, Telegraph Cove, British Columbia.
Reserve your grizzly bear trip now!
Call us now toll free: 1-888-643-9319
Overseas phone us at: 011-250-339-5320

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd like to learn more about the Caspian Terns in your area.

Dr. David P. Craig
Willamette University
Biology Department
Salem OR 97301
dpcraig at willamette.edu